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If you see a blurred listing, it means the listing is a “Small Scale Offering”. You will need to JOIN FREE to the website and express your interest in Small Scale Offerings in order to unblur such listings and be able to view their details.

You can un-blur it by following the 2 steps set out below:
1. Click the LOG IN  button on the home page and choose whether you are an investor or industry participant; and
2. On the sign-up page, keep the “In addition to other listings that are generally available on this site, I am also interested in Small Scale Offerings.” box ticked. It is placed above the “I’m not a robot” box.

Small Scale Offerings (SSO) are personal offers which result in the issue or sale of certain financial products (such as shares or interests in managed investment schemes) to no more than 20 investors and raise no more than $2 million in any rolling 12-month period. Under the Corporations Act, SSOs do not require a Product Disclosure Statement to be provided and we are not permitted to provide you with any information about SSO unless you have first indicated your interest in offers of this kind to us.

After you JOIN FREE  to InvestmentMarkets, verified your email address and LOG IN , you can send an enquiry about a listing via the following two options:
1. By clicking the “ENQUIRE” button on the listing card view to complete the enquiry form:

2. By completing the enquiry form on the left-hand side when you view the detail of a listing:

Your enquiry messages can be viewed in your dashboard “Sent Messages”.

  • Retail investors must be provided with certain specific documentation as a matter of law.
  • Retail investors also have access to external dispute resolution schemes, while wholesale investors generally do not.
  • Retail investors are afforded all the consumer protections contained in the Future of Financial Advice (FOFA) reforms.
  • Wholesale investors can access a wider and more complex range of investments and products, which may have an enhanced risk profile.
What is the rationale for the distinction?

Wholesale investors are considered to be better informed and more financially astute than retail investors, and to have relevant experience in investing. Accordingly, it is argued wholesale investors do not require all the consumer protections that apply to retail investors.

Does this mean wholesale investors are not afforded any protection?

Although wholesale investors do not have the same protections as a retail investor under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Act), general law duties still apply so that all investors (including wholesale investors) are owed certain fiduciary duties.

What is a Retail Investor?

The basic proposition in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (“the Act”)is that all investors (or potential investors) are retail, unless an exemption applies (as set out below). Therefore, a “retail” investor includes anyone who does not come within the definition of a “wholesale” investor for the purposes of providing a financial product or financial service under certain provisions.

What are the exemptions to being classified as a retail investor?

There are several ways in which an investor can be exempt from being classified as a retail investor and is therefore a “wholesale investor”. A general summary is set out below.

  1. Price/value test
    A person or entity invests where the entry price is $500,000 or more.
  2. Net assets/income test
    A person or entity has obtained an accountant’s certificate from a qualified accountant stating that the client:
    • has net assets of at least $2.5 million, or
    • has a gross income for each of the last two financial years of at least $250,000.
    Once a certificate has been obtained, it is valid for a period of two years.
  3. Professional investor test
    Section 9 and 761G(7)(d) of the Act defines a professional investor, which includes (amongst other things):
    • financial services licensees
    • bodies regulated by APRA
    • superannuation funds, and
    • a person or entity who controls gross assets of at least $10 million (including any amount held by an associate or under a trust that the person manages).
  4. Small scale offering (SSO)
    The small scale offering exception (known as the “The 20/12 rule”) is contained in section 708(1) of the Act. It provides that a regulated disclosure document is not required if a person makes a personal offer of securities that results in securities being issued or transferred to 20 or fewer persons with no more than $2 million being raised in any rolling 12 month period.

Whilst InvestmentMarkets does not get involved in the communication between listees and investors, it’s recommended to listees that they respond to investor enquiries at their earliest convenience. InvestmentMarkets has no influence or control over the Listee’s response time. If you haven’t received a response within a few days of your enquiry then we would recommend sending another enquiry to the relevant listee via our listing enquiry system.

Whilst InvestmentMarkets does not get involved in the communication between listees and investors, you can provide feedback to us via so that we can conduct necessary enquiry and analysis to improve our service for you.

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After you log into your account, go to Dashboard -> My Details -> Change my Password. Complete “New Password” and “Re-enter your New Password”, and then click on ‘Save’.

After you log into your account, go to Dashboard -> My Details to make updates. Ensure you click on save to save any changes that have been made.

After you log into your account, go to Dashboard -> My Interest to make updates. Ensure you click on save to save any changes that have been made.

After you log into your account, go to Dashboard -> My Profile -> Request to deactivate account. We will deactivate your account on your behalf once we receive your request.

After you log into your account, go to Dashboard -> My Messages to see any enquiries that you have previously sent to any listees.

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General FAQs

InvestmentMarkets is a free and independent investment platform for investors looking to find the full spectrum of investments in one place. We provide you investment insights and introduce you to the investment opportunities, and get out of your way. You can personalize and save your content and investments, and make contact with the listees directly. Your investment, your way. As an investor/industry participant, your account and access is free.
InvestmentMarkets does not charge a commission for any capital raised therefore no bias is introduced as to the investments listed on the site.

At InvestmentMarkets, we understand that the beauty of an investment product can be “in the eyes of the beholder”. No two investors have the same risk appetites and return expectations and make investment decisions the same way. Therefore, we are listing agnostic. We welcome any investments that can be categorised as a “security’, which broadly includes any fungible, negotiable financial instrument/interests in things (eg shares/units) that holds some type of monetary value, which represents an ownership position or a creditor relationship, or rights to ownership.

You have come to the right place if you are looking for:

  • Cash/Money Market
  • Fixed Income
  • Shares/Equity
  • Property (Listed/Unlisted)
  • Alternative Investment (e.g. infrastructure)
  • Commodities
  • Currency, Cryptocurrency and ICO
  • Other (i.e. virtually any other asset class or right)

You will not be able to find the following investments in their whole (or non-unitised) form:

  • Real estate
  • Business
  • Physical assets

However, you will find them in their utilised or securitised form (e.g. shares, units, rights etc).

InvestmentMarkets does not charge a commission or receive any other incentive from you or a listee should you invest in any financial product via this site. There is therefore no bias introduced as to the investments listed on the site as might occur where there are commission based fee structures. InvestmentMarkets operate by charging a set listing / advertising fee to the listees to promote their listings on the site.

InvestmentMarkets is suitable for anyone who is looking for financial products which are principally based in or managed from Australia. However, it is mainly designed for:

  • Unadvised or partially advised investors looking for their next investment opportunities, and
  • Would like to educate themselves by reading relevant investment articles and attend relevant events.

InvestmentMarkets believes that many financial advisers are restricted to limited menus of financial products determined by their AFSL licence and their authorised product list which limits some investor’s investment opportunities.

InvestmentMarkets provides no preference or endorsement for any investments listed on the site.

Investment Markets does not endorse any listee or their investments listed on the site. It does not vet any of the listees or their investments or verify whether any statements made in relation to any of the listees or their investments are true. We do not substantiate or form a view as the probability of success or the veracity of any claims made in any marketing material or PDS (product disclosure statement) about a product and listed on the site. We take the view that it is not for us to be the arbiter of what may or may not succeed. We strongly recommend that any investor who expresses interest in any product shown on the site, first carry out appropriate and prudent due diligence on the product before they invest. That may involve obtaining independent professional financial advice. You should also determine that it is entirely suitable for your personal financial needs and objectives.

InvestmentMarkets does not provide advice or make product recommendations. Investors need to conduct appropriate due diligence before making any investment decisions and take into consideration their individual financial needs and objectives.

InvestmentMarkets does not conduct research and Due Diligence on listings featured on the site.

InvestmentMarkets believes in independence when it comes to investments. We don’t introduce bias towards the listings promoted on the site, nor do we believe anyone has the ability to make a judgement on behalf of the investors as to which investments are likely to be the most successful. Rather, we strive to showcase the whole universe of investments and let the investors do their own due diligence before they hopefully make an informed and sensible decision suitable to their particular investment needs.

InvestmentMarkets receive from listees relevant information on their listing with a request to promote it on our site. InvestmentMarkets does not carry out an ASIC search or verify that the information and documentation provided meets the Corporations Law or other ASIC requirements or that there is any statement within the advertisement that is not true. The listees will be asked to sign a declaration to the general effect that the advertised listing is appropriate, legally compliant and does not contain any defamatory material and is correctly categorised.

Yes. However, only if their financial product is consistent with our designated product type (e.g not physical assets), brand and focus for the site and does not involve any unreasonable ethical or legal implications for InvestmentMarkets. Listees must also agree to the terms and conditions applying to listees who advertise their products on the site.

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