The Fund aims to generate high positive annualised returns of between 10% and 20% over the medium to long term regardless of equity market movements and without excess risk. (For Wholesale Investors Only)
InvestmentMarkets is designed to provide you with the autonomy and tools you need for successful investing. We aim to bring you a universe of investments to allow you to make informed, independent investment decisions based on your preferred criteria.
Each investment is classified into categories such as Industry, Asset Class, Maturity and Liquidity to allow for quick comparison. We provide you with an overview of the investment, details of the management team, access to relevant documents, as well as investment updates and FAQs.
Once you’ve found an investment meeting your objectives, you are able to contact the product issuer directly.
At InvestmentMarkets, we understand that no two investors are the same. That’s why our centralised platform offers a broad spectrum of investment opportunities which may not be available through financial planners and stockbrokers.
Our mission is to become the investment central for independent minds. We provide you with insights and an introduction to investment opportunities, then get out of your way.
Australia’s Corporations Law defines a ‘retail investments’ as a financial product aimed at an investor in need of regulatory protection, whereas a ‘wholesale investment’ is intended for those seeking to access wholesale markets which tend to offer more complex financial products.
Retail investors are sometimes referred to as non-professional investors.
A ‘retail investment’ is covered by consumer protection provisions. A ‘wholesale investment’ is for professional investors or institutions who are considered to be better informed and better able to assess the risks involved, and do not need the same level of consumer protection as retail clients.
Retail investments include managed funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), securities and bonds. Retail investments typically have lower minimum investment requirements and higher fees than wholesale investments.
Wholesale investments may also include managed funds, but can also provide access to more complex investments such as venture capital, unlisted trusts and private equity. Wholesale investments typically have higher minimum investment requirements, and lower fees than retail investments.
Retail and wholesale investment products are not mutually exclusive, and an investor can potentially hold both types in their portfolio. It should be noted that wholesale opportunities are only available to individuals who meet ASIC’s requirements to be classified as either a sophisticated investor or professional investor.
Sophisticated investors are typically high net worth investors with a verified gross income of $250,000 or more in each of the two previous financial years, or having net assets of at least $2.5 million.
A professional investor either holds a financial services licence, or owns or controls assets of at least $10 million.
The Fund aims to generate high positive annualised returns of between 10% and 20% over the medium to long term regardless of equity market movements and without excess risk. (For Wholesale Investors Only)
The Fund aims to deliver a minimum net 10% p.a. absolute return over a rolling 2-year period, at lower risk than other comparable equity funds (Available for Wholesale Investors Only)
Harvest Lane seeks to generate superior, risk-adjusted returns regardless of prevailing market conditions with a particular focus on ‘corporate events’, including mergers and acquisitions.
The Firetrail Absolute Return Fund is a market-neutral, uncorrelated alternative of Firetrail’s best ideas.
A market neutral Australian equities long/short strategy.
The Fund provides wholesale investors with exposure to Alvia's highest conviction ideas across all asset classes, sectors, and geographies, encompassing listed securities and private companies typically reserved for institutional or ultra-HNW investors.
The Fund serves as an alternative asset in strategic allocation or standalone investment. Featuring gold bullion (physical) at Perth mint it adopts a systematic rules-based approach with ASX100 equities & fixed income for asymmetric non-correlated returns
The Fund is a long short investment fund investing in developed market equities in Australia and internationally (For Wholesale Investors Only)
Since inception in 2016 the high conviction, deep value and uniquely contrarian Collins St Value Fund has achieved an 13.25% p.a. net of fee return underpinned by an unconstrained Australian equities mandate and a zero fixed fee remuneration arrangement.
The Fund provides investors with exposure to a diversified portfolio of global credit investments, hedged into Australian dollars. (Wholesale Investors Only)
The Fund has an absolute return focus (long/short with long bias), has no cash limit, and can invest in both large and small cap companies (For Wholesale Investors Only)
The Altor Alpha Fund invests capital via a flexible special opportunities mandate across a broad range of sectors (for Wholesale Investors Only).
The Fund is an actively managed, diversified portfolio of 20 to 40 equity and equity-related securities with a global remit. (For Wholesale Investors Only)
The Long Short Fund benefits from a flexible ‘all-cap’ mandate and can profit from share price falls and gains. (For Wholesale Investors Only)
An absolute return fixed income fund that aims to deliver stable and consistent returns over time irrespective of share and bond market movements.