A debt fund that offers investors a 10.0% p.a. target return with unique investor protection features. (For Wholesale Investors Only)
InvestmentMarkets is designed to provide you with the autonomy and tools you need for successful investing. We aim to bring you a universe of investments to allow you to make informed, independent investment decisions based on your preferred criteria.
Each investment is classified into categories such as Industry, Asset Class, Maturity and Liquidity to allow for quick comparison. We provide you with an overview of the investment, details of the management team, access to relevant documents, as well as investment updates and FAQs.
Once you’ve found an investment meeting your objectives, you are able to contact the product issuer directly.
At InvestmentMarkets, we understand that no two investors are the same. That’s why our centralised platform offers a broad spectrum of investment opportunities which may not be available through financial planners and stockbrokers.
Our mission is to become the investment central for independent minds. We provide you with insights and an introduction to investment opportunities, then get out of your way.
Australia’s Corporations Law defines a ‘retail investments’ as a financial product aimed at an investor in need of regulatory protection, whereas a ‘wholesale investment’ is intended for those seeking to access wholesale markets which tend to offer more complex financial products.
Retail investors are sometimes referred to as non-professional investors.
A ‘retail investment’ is covered by consumer protection provisions. A ‘wholesale investment’ is for professional investors or institutions who are considered to be better informed and better able to assess the risks involved, and do not need the same level of consumer protection as retail clients.
Retail investments include managed funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), securities and bonds. Retail investments typically have lower minimum investment requirements and higher fees than wholesale investments.
Wholesale investments may also include managed funds, but can also provide access to more complex investments such as venture capital, unlisted trusts and private equity. Wholesale investments typically have higher minimum investment requirements, and lower fees than retail investments.
Retail and wholesale investment products are not mutually exclusive, and an investor can potentially hold both types in their portfolio. It should be noted that wholesale opportunities are only available to individuals who meet ASIC’s requirements to be classified as either a sophisticated investor or professional investor.
Sophisticated investors are typically high net worth investors with a verified gross income of $250,000 or more in each of the two previous financial years, or having net assets of at least $2.5 million.
A professional investor either holds a financial services licence, or owns or controls assets of at least $10 million.
A debt fund that offers investors a 10.0% p.a. target return with unique investor protection features. (For Wholesale Investors Only)
The Spectrum Strategic Income Fund is an actively managed credit fund that invests in a range of debt and hybrid securities with the objective of maximising income whilst preserving capital.
The Fund provides exposure to an actively-managed portfolio of global securities, primarily through Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and stocks listed on international stock exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange and the NASDAQ.
The aim of the fund is to achieve sustainable returns from capital growth, targetting 20% p.a.
Providing exposure to a diversified portfolio of Australian clean energy infrastructure assets through its investment in development, construction and operational renewable energy projects.
Long-term capital growth from high-quality assets.
An Innovative Way to Invest in the Lucrative Australian Private Credit Market
A highly diversified portfolio of fixed income assets that aims to provide investors with a minimum distribution equal to the RBA Cash Rate plus 3% per annum paid monthly over rolling 3 year periods after payment of distributions.
Seeking opportunities for consistent income with lower volatility
The OC50 Fund offers wholesale investors a diversified portfolio of 50 global venture capital investments.
The Fund provides investors with exposure to a diversified portfolio of global credit investments, hedged into Australian dollars. (Wholesale Investors Only)
The Fund is an actively managed, diversified portfolio of 20 to 40 equity and equity-related securities with a global remit. (For Wholesale Investors Only)
The Burrell 20 aims to achieve capital growth over the long term with correlation to the S&P/ASX20 Accumulation Index also providing income through the receipt of franked dividends.
The Fund aims to outperform the MSCI All Country World Index over the investment cycle (typically 3-5 years).
The Aura Core Income Fund aims to preserve capital and offer stable monthly income from a diversified portfolio of predominantly small to medium enterprise loans.