InvestmentMarkets Investor Webinar November 2023

Rising inflation, higher interest rates and slowing economic growth all pose separate threats to the attractive dividends currently being paid by Australian companies.

Income hungry investors should also note that over 80% of Australian dividends are paid from companies in just four sectors. This forces many portfolios of income investors to be highly concentrated.

The share prices of these companies are exceedingly sensitive to dividend payments, which potentially leaves these stocks under pressure if dividends falter.

Many income investors are now having to choose between investing in potentially overvalued companies to meet their income requirements, and appropriately diversifying their equity exposure.

But there is a way to solve for these issues. Join Tim richardson as he explored how Australian investors may best approach investing for dividends, without negatively affecting portfolio fundamentals.

Pengana International Equities Limited (trading on the ASX as ‘PIA’) is a Listed Investment Company (“LIC”) that exists to provide shareholders with continued capital growth as well as regular, reliable, and fully franked dividends. Tim Richardson is an investment specialist at Pengana Capital Group, a diversified funds manager known for its innovative global investment strategies, ESG strengths, and unique listed private equity trust.


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  • • InvestmentMarkets does not vet, endorse or recommend any product the subject of the presentations and is only facilitating the exposure of the product.
  • • These presentations were made as at 14-16 Nov, 2023 and therefore relevant facts, the economic environment , governing documentation and the law upon which they were based may change after that date such that the accuracy and reliability of their content may be affected.