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Welcome to InvestmentMarkets – a free and independent investment platform for investors looking to find the full spectrum of Australian investments in one place. We aim to bring you every kind of investment opportunity to allow you to make an informed, independent investment choice based on your preferred criteria.

Gain access to the entire universe of investments Australia has to offer across a wide range of industries and different asset classes and covering the likes of equity, debt, managed funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), fixed interest, corporate bonds, government bonds, listed and unlisted vehicles, start-ups, alternative investments, and more.

InvestmentMarkets is designed to give you the autonomy and tools that you want. You can personalise and save educational content and investments of interests for you, and make contact with the product issuers directly. Join other like-minded investors and connect your capital to a broad range of opportunities as part of Australia’s new investor community.

Begin investing now in 3 easy steps and build your investment portfolio your way.

Take control with personalised, unbiased investment options in Australia

At InvestmentMarkets, we believe independence is essential to investment opportunities being maximised. Biased and vested interests obstruct and distort opportunity. They stop money flowing to where it really should and compromise market efficiency. Smart investors know this. They understand that maintaining an independent mind is critical to their success and capital growth.

That’s why InvestmentMarkets has been created – to provide a staunchly independent digital meeting place for investors and capital raisers from all ends of the investment spectrum. InvestmentMarkets does not charge a commission for any capital raised, therefore no bias is introduced as to the investments listed on the site.

Financial advisers can be restricted to limited menus of financial products determined by their AFSL and their authorised product list which limits some investor’s opportunities. We recognise that each investor has a different financial plan, risk tolerance, and diversification strategy. We provide you with investment insights and introduce you to the investment opportunities, and then get out of your way.

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